Educational Benefits of Jain Minority
There are various benefits available to us, as Jain Religious Community, and as Gujarati speaking linguistic Minority community, to avail these benefits three most important certificates are required. 1) Minority certificate, 2) Income Certificate. 3) Domicile certificate.
Pre Matric Scholarship :- This scholarship is available for students from 1st std to 10th std, whose family income is less then 1 lakh per annum.
Post Matric Scholarship :- This scholarship is available for students from xi std. to PhD, whose family income is not more than Rs. 2 lacs per annum.
Merit cum Mean Scheme :- Under this scheme, scholarship of 25,000 per year is given to students whose family income is less then 6 lakh per annum and is perusing professional courses approved by DTE and DMER.
Maulana Azad Educational Loan scheme:- under this scheme loans are available to students, with parents as co-borrower, for different Course from recognised central / state / UGC / AICTE Institutes. Here the income limit is Rs. 2 lacs per annum.
Free Coaching & Allied Scheme:- Under this scheme special coaching for competitive / entrance exams like NEET, JEE, CAT and MBA, training and support for Clearing UPSC / SPSC Exams and any other specialized training which can fetch jobs in govt. and Private Sector like IT / ITES / various Computer Courses / Sales & Retail Management, Banking and Accounting; and Beauty and wellness etc. is given free of cost
Padho Pardesh :- Under this scheme the Interest portion for availed education loan, for course period plus 1 year or 6 months after getting job, shall be borne by the Government of India. These benefits can be availed by the students having family income up to Rs. 6 lacs per annum.
Maulana Azad National Fellowship Scheme:- The students, whose family income is less then 4.5 lakh per annum, and who is perusing full time MPhil / Ph.D courses in University / Academic Institution, cash fellowship from 16,000 to 25,000 per month is given under this scheme.
Learn & Earn (Seekho our Kamao):- This scheme is aimed at upgrading the skills of the youths in various modern/traditional vocations depending upon their educational qualification.
A very good scheme is available to students of Maharashtra state, namely Chhtrapati Sahu Maharaj sikshan prati purti yojana. Under this 50% of the paid fees is subsidized for the students, whose family income is less then 6 lakh per annum and who have got admission through cap round in any technical courses under DTE, and interest free loan is provided to pursue medical courses like MBBS and BDS from any aided and unaided college covered under DMER.
Economic Weaker Section Quota (EWS):- To avail this 10 % quota in all educational institutes, tysttheudents family income should be less then 8 lakh per annum and fulfill certain other criteria.
The Jain minority comitee has been instrumental to avail benefit pf more than 1.5crore every year Since 2014 for kvo community and has avision to avail maximum benefit from ministry of minority affairs.